There seems to be no way around it, we need to make our offices green. In light of climate change and increased environmental degradation, we have to make some drastic changes. Let’s start with our daily surroundings: the office. We are here to make your life easier. Based on science and the current state of affairs, we have ranked the most impactful sustainability tips into 4 priorities. Read on how to make your office sustainable.
A quick online search will give you a wide array of sustainable suggestions, ranging from office supplies such as staple-free staplers to recycled trash bins, eco-friendly paper cups, sustainable air conditioner units, going paperless, and changing to LED light bulbs. Are you confused yet?
With so much information available, the sustainability landscape is slowly turning into a Wild West of claims and promises. The following 4 priorities will guide you in establishing a sustainable office. Start with energy, then have a look at your office waste and consumption, focus on what you eat, and then move on to all the rest.
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When asking an environmentalist about our biggest environmental threat today, they will most likely tell you climate change is the root cause of most – if not all – environmental issues. Emissions of greenhouse gases have already increased the Earth’s global temperature by about 0.8° Celsius since 1880 causing snow and ice to melt, and bringing about more extreme weather.
You might have guessed it, our need for energy is the single largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. Energy production accounts for 72% of all global emissions, of which electricity and heat are the largest source of emissions with 31%, followed by transportation with 15%. Knowing this, forget about everything else and let’s start with energy.
Perhaps it is not as sexy as the staple-free stapler. And no, your work space might not appear any different. But it is the biggest favour you can do to help save the environment.
How? Simple:
The second priority in your journey to a green workspace involves the reduction of other products and services besides energy. Globally, we produce a whopping 2.12 billion tons of waste a year. A conservative estimate of 37% of all waste is managed in an environmentally damaging manner, with most dumped in a landfill.
Waste does not only damage the environment directly, but the production of products also emits CO2 and contributes to climate change. Imagine the amount of energy saved if these products were not produced in the first place.
So after you have fixed your energy problem, move on to reducing product consumption and proper recycling.
Some tips:
After energy, agriculture has the largest climate impact. Data from the World Resource Institute show that agriculture accounts for 11% of global emissions and up to 17% including land-use changes and deforestation. Climate impact aside, the meat and dairy industry accounts for 75% of all farmland area and damages the environment through the loss of biodiversity and use of fertilisers and pesticides. And let’s not forget about animal welfare concerns.
Time to take some action. Here is where to start:
We are not saying you need to go plant-based overnight, but eating a bit more consciously is something we can all do. Green plate – green office.
Have you reduced your energy and product consumption? Are you recycling properly? Swapped out your beef sandwich for a tasty vegetarian dal? Good, now you are ready to move on and focus on all the rest.
Some other suggestions to go greener:
These types of changes are probably the most visible and make your office and company appear the most sustainable, so be wary. Many of these changes could fall under greenwashing. For instance, replacing plastic cups for paper cups is choosing between two evils. You should instead focus on eliminating single-use products altogether.
In case greening your work environment for the sake of sustainability is not convincing enough for you, perhaps the following benefits of going eco-friendly will do it:
Going green and sustainable does not imply radical changes and having to say ‘no’ to things. Remember that introducing sustainability into your office space is about getting everyone involved and forcing people to think a bit more creatively and changing their mindsets. By starting out seemingly small with some changes in the office space, your company can ultimately work towards achieving bigger goals. Why wait?