Integrating Sustainability into a Leading Dental Solutions Company

by Jul 10, 2024Case studies0 comments

A leading dental solutions company specializes in digital dentistry, offering innovative 3D scanners and software for dental professionals. Their product line includes advanced intraoral scanners, lab scanners, and comprehensive software applications aimed at enhancing patient care and treatment quality. In addition to hardware and software, they offer design services, including both human and AI-driven solutions. Their commitment to innovation aims to improve treatment outcomes and streamline workflows in dental practices and laboratories globally.


The dental company organized an internal event called Innovation Day to engage employees in developing sustainable solutions to reduce CO2 emissions, create more sustainable packaging, and address other environmental challenges. The goal was to harness the collective creativity and expertise of their workforce to generate practical and impactful ideas for sustainability. However, they needed an effective way to engage employees across different locations and ensure active participation and innovative thinking.

Dental Equipment


2030 Builders provided a comprehensive solution through their platform, which facilitated company-wide engagement and learning about sustainability. Here’s how 2030 Builders helped the dental company achieve their sustainability goals:

  1. Platform Accessibility:
    • The 2030 Builders platform was made available to all employees internationally. By scanning a QR code, employees could easily access the platform from anywhere, ensuring widespread participation.
  2. Gamification and Learning:
    • The platform utilized gamification to make learning about sustainability engaging and interactive. Employees participated in various games and activities that educated them on the environmental challenges the company was facing, such as reducing CO2 emissions and creating sustainable packaging solutions.
  3. Idea Generation and Engagement:
    • Through the platform’s input system, employees were encouraged to submit their innovative ideas and solutions. This system not only facilitated idea generation but also allowed for collaborative brainstorming among employees from different departments and regions.
  4. Tracking and Reporting:
    • 2030 Builders’ platform included a robust reporting system that tracked employee engagement and the ideas generated. This feature allowed the company to monitor participation levels and assess the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
  5. Outcome:
    • The platform’s comprehensive approach led to a significant increase in employee engagement during Innovation Day. Employees came up with numerous innovative solutions, contributing to the company’s sustainability goals. The tracking and reporting system provided valuable insights into employee participation and the potential impact of the proposed ideas.


By leveraging the 2030 Builders platform, the dental company successfully engaged their employees in sustainability initiatives, fostering a culture of innovation and environmental responsibility. The collaboration not only helped the company address specific sustainability challenges but also demonstrated the power of employee-driven innovation in achieving corporate sustainability goals.

Discover proven strategies to boost your organization’s sustainability efforts. Download our free e-book on employee engagement and start transforming your team today!


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