About the company:
A prominent player in the realm of natural food and beverage ingredients and solutions, reached out to 2030 Builders with the focus on creating customized, bespoke content tailored to the unique sustainability needs of the organization.
Positioned as a global entity with offices worldwide, the companies structure made it an ideal fit for the tailored approach offered by the platform. Initially seeking beatbox training in sustainability, the collaboration expanded into three distinct training sessions aligned with core aspects of companies strategy.
The main challenge:
The primary driving force behind these sessions was the necessity to effectively communicate and cascade the sustainability message throughout the organization. Recognizing the challenge of engaging middle managers, often burdened with diverse responsibilities and spanning different time zones, the goal was to ensure every employee was not only trained in sustainability but also equipped to convey the organizational message to customers.
Targeting traders interfacing with customers, the objective was clear: empower them with the knowledge to articulate the company’s sustainability efforts and their connection to strategic goals. As challenges and needs were identified, the platform’s flexibility came into play. The platform allowed users to engage individually, overcoming the hurdle of coordinating training sessions across multiple time zones.
The solution:
2030 Builders began the customization process involved starting with the company internal and external strategy presentations, shaping content through collaboration and expertise, and producing bespoke infographics and videos. Despite encountering unexpected obstacles, such as delayed stakeholder feedback and a compressed timeline due to holidays, the agile approach and performance-driven mindset prevailed.
Notably, the engagement rates were exceptional, with users completing the training at a rate of 86% within two weeks of launch. The positive feedback and ratings reflected a strong resonance with the content and its delivery.
Key learnings emphasized the importance of aligning with customers before content creation, acknowledging the critical role of a knowledgeable and committed team in achieving fabulous outcomes. The platform’s innovative approach to problem-solving and engaging users contributed to the project’s success, demonstrating that sustainability initiatives require not just change but also a flawless execution to ensure user contribution and involvement. Looking forward, the focus lies on continuous improvement, faster processes, transparent methodologies, and the recognition that each customer is unique.
As the platform evolves, the aim is to position the creative aspect as an agency service, leveraging the unique value proposition and expertise. The success with the aforementioned company serves as a testament to the platform’s efficacy in delivering results swiftly and efficiently in the realm of sustainability strategy implementation.
Discover proven strategies to boost your organization’s sustainability efforts. Download our free e-book on employee engagement and start transforming your team today!