Communication & strategy buy-in

Ensure your employees understand and align with your sustainability goals by anchoring the strategy in their daily activities

Accessible and Inclusive Communication is needed

40% of employees do not like one-way communication

35% of employees consider there is not enough communication

33%of employees feel that communication is too general and high level

We have the solution

We specialise in empowering organisations to communicate their sustainability strategy effectively, foster alignment within their workforce, and mobilise employees to actively pursue and achieve sustainability goals and KPIs.

Additionally, we assist companies in minimising strategic latency when working towards sustainability goals. By engaging managers and staff in proactive and decisive actions, organisations can expedite the implementation of sustainable practices and policies, accelerating progress towards a sustainable future.

Communication with impact

  • Communication made relevant , recognizable, and actionable to enable understanding of the sustainability strategy at all levels and empower teams to take action.
  • Circular Communication Model, to establish a closed-loop system of communication, feedback, and action, between the company and the internal and external stakeholder.
  • Feedback loop to not only enhance internal processes within the organisation but also promotes transparency, fosters stakeholders’ engagement and advocacy, and strengthens brand reputation.
  • Circular communication to facilitate the delivery of the double materiality assessment.
circular communication
People working together

Strategic alignments & buy-in is made easy by our solution


  • Communicate and anchor the company values and sustainability ambition in the organisation
  • Gain your employees buy-in and keep them accountable for their actions
  • Endow a sense of sustainability ownership in your employees, so that everyone picks up the baton
  • Enable the growth and performance of your company